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B-m@il - November 2013

Nov 28, 2013

It's summer again, which means it's time to slow down and get ready for the holiday season. But even though Bendix is in the business of slowing down, it is still hurtling ahead in innovation and production. To prepare our valuable customers for the hot weather, Bendix has included a timely reminder about the importance of changing brake fluid in this B-m@il, and that's just the start! You'll also find news about the new Bendix range of brake wear sensors and an opportunity to participate in valuable eResearch; all you have to do is read on! Including CarSmart workshop, new application releases, a new Bendix TV clip and more, ther's no shortage of reading material in this month's B-m@il! We hope you enjoy reading! Yours Sincerely, Bendix Team

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